Monday, September 18, 2017

Will we ever get ahead?

This blog years ago started off as a money saving blog. I talked about the awesome deals we could grab, as well as our struggles with finances. I've since kind of strayed from that topic and it's more about a Christian, parenting, life blog. Which is OK. But today I want to talk about finances. 

Have you ever sat down and thought about where we are in life. We are a blue collar working class family. We aren't poor, we aren't rich, we live comfortably on very little. Our house is small, but works for us. We don't buy new cars, we vacation but only when and where we can. We have savings, but make sacrifices. 

I think my description fits most of our friends, and probably a lot of the country right now. Now that the school year has started, that's the mommy new year, I am getting stricter about our budget. I work from home and there are days (could possibly be weeks) I don't leave the house except for school pickups. I don't spend much money at all. This is when I start to save the most money, or at least try to. 

But the other day as I was arguing with the car insurance lady because they feel like jacking up prices for new drivers, I thought about my parents, my inlaws and my friends parents. I thought about all the stuff that we as parents in this day in age fork out money for that our parents never had to even think about. 

Cell phones! Most of you are my age, we are the middle generation between generation X and millennials. I didn't get a cell phone until I was in college and that was only for a true, you are dying emergency. I'm a strict parent so my kids don't get their cell phone until they get to high school, but that's more money I am forking out a month that my parent's never had to worry about!

School supplies! My parent's bought the notebooks and pencils and yes we had a supply list for school but it wasn't pages long like they are now. My parent's only had to buy 1 pack of crayons, not 3 per child. My parent's bought their kids school supplies, not the entire class like we do now. They didn't have to buy specific types of notesbooks/folders, it was whatever was at the store. Nope I have to drive around town looking for the specific notebook that is required and now costs me an arm and a leg!

Car Insurance! Yes it's always been known that as we add "new drivers" to car insurance it's expensive, but I will never forget in all my days how much it increased when we added my daughter. That's with every discount possible (according to the insurance lady). I asked my parent's the other day, their comment was. "yes it was increased but not too bad, nothing to remember". Must be nice!

Let's not forget all the increases in cost of living! Houses, gas to fill the cars (that cost an arm and a leg to insure), milk and groceries. Everything increases, steadily! 

Now think about your salary. When I was teaching we got pennies each year's increase. Nothing to write home about. In fact, I supplemented my teaching salary by coaching 2 different sports. I was also a waitress during breaks and summers and 1 summer I even taught summer school. Have a teaching friend, ask them how they supplement their income, I'm almost positive they do somehow! So when it was time for me to make the decision to stay home, it was easy, in the long run I wasn't bringing home much income after childcare expenses and everything else.

My husband, as we all know, is an amazing firefighter. We all  know they aren't millionaires. They do the work because they love it! Just like police officers, teachers, nurses and many other professions. My husband loves his job, he loves working and works a second job to supplement the first. He works over time, he takes additional classes for more certifications. He does all this and we don't see pay increases. It's a city, government job, pay increases are never in the budget (story of the lives of firefighters, police officers and teachers!)

So how do we get ahead in life when we are never given the opportunity to do it? As more and more are demanded of parents financially for our kids, and salaries are left alone how do we do it? How do we save while we are forking out hundreds a month for car insurance, cell phone bills, more school supplies (because it's the middle of the year and one of the kids in the class ate all the crayons so we need to buy another 3 boxes!). What is the answer? 

My husband will never leave his job, that's not an option in our house. He loves what he does and I am happy with that. I am happy with the sacrifices we make. But should that be a lifestyle? I highly doubt any city manager has thought about this option when they get that wonderful pay increase for the 10th year in a row and there's not enough for the police officers or firefighters. I bet the school superintendent has never sat around the kitchen table wondering if they should take the car away from their teenager cause it would be cheaper then insurance and gas, but many teachers have! 

There's lots of problems with our society these days, but this is a big one. We take classes to learn how to live on budgets, to save extra and never to use credit cards. But is that real life? When Dave Ramsey created his plan (and don't get me wrong I love his Financial Peace and recommend it to everyone) but he wasn't paying for Racheal's cell phone or car insurance or travel sports or school supplies up the you know what. (Oh and don't get me started on the hundreds of birthday parties our kids get invited to now! That's for another blog post!)

There is no solution to this problem, society will never change their ways. Teachers will continue to teach the future and watch their students become successful doctors and lawyers and move on in life while they continue teaching more future minds. And firefighters will go and save the city manager from their burning house at 2 in the morning in the freezing cold, with nothing more then a thank you. 

But there is one thing, our kids, you know the ones who know what it's like to make sacrifices will appreciate all their teachers, all the police officers and firefighters who keep them safe. That is one thing I know for sure! 

For all those with young kids, or no kids yet, SAVE NOW!!! Save for the teen years, save for the elementary school supplies, save now! Take my warning! SAVE!

And before I end, I want to thank all blue collar workers! I know I only mentioned a few, but there are so many who keep our lives running everyday, so thank you!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Compassion and Americans

The simple feeling of compassion often motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, spiritual, or emotional pains of themselves and others. My favorite definition I once saw was "to love together with". 

Today on all the news programs you will see images, hear coverage and even on some may broadcast a few of the memorial services. Today is a day that will forever be a part of our history. 16 years ago was not long at all, and for so many of it is was like yesterday. 

We talk about this day in our house in detail. We talk about the horror, but we also talk about what came from that day. Sure, we all hate the security at the airports after that day, and we all hate trying to get on any military base now, but think about the way we all came together that day. Think about the news coverage of strangers consoling one another, about the first responders (I'm a bit partial, after that day my husband still joined the fire department and risks his life everyday to save others), about our country. After that day we were all proud to be Americans. We all loved one another.

I love the news coverage about this day, I think we as Americans need to be reminded each year what we went through as a country. I think we need that presence to remind us how we should continue to be. There is so much going on in this country right now. So much conflict, destruction, anger, and why? We all have differences, yes, but aren't we all Americans. Aren't we all proud to be here.

My husband and I were talking during the football game the other night about players sitting on the side while the National Anthem played. This bothers me! I know many of you will not like my opinion and that's OK, it's my opinion. The National Anthem is a symbol of our country, not anything else. It doesn't represent Black lives matter, it doesn't represent white supremacy, it doesn't favor Jews or Christians. The National Anthem represents us as Americans. Those who sit during the National Anthem are doing nothing but undermining our country. The same country who is supporting their team enough to pay them millions of dollars to do something they love! Make sense? Nope not to me! Want to make a statement, be a role model to young Americans, stand proud with your hand on your heart for the National Anthem, tears in your eyes because you are proud to be an American. Proud that so many have sacrificed their lives for you to be here. And then after the game when you go and cash that very large check, put your money where you want to make a statement!!!

So today, we wear our Red, White and Blue, my kids and amazingly brave husband and I will talk about September 11, 2001 and remember all the lives lost. We will pray for everyone who was taken on the horrific day, pray for the families who are still affected by this day and thank God that even after such a terrible act of terrorism we, Americans, still stand tall and proud.

Our country and citizens are pretty amazing. During this time in our country we have fellow Americans still cleaning up in Texas from the hurricane, we have others in Florida who will be waking up to awful conditions from yet another hurricane, we have others who have lost everything to wildfires and yet everywhere you look people are lending a hand. Whether it's sending money or food or essentials or even prayers they are helping. And then there are those awesome role models making a huge difference! JJ Watt (who stands for the National Anthem) challenged Americans after Hurricane Harvey and as last night it was over 30 million! Now if that's not Americans coming together I don't know what is. And if that's not a role model to follow and put on a pedestal I don't know who is! (side note, I have an awesome friend at church whose daughter is the biggest JJ Watt fan you could ever imagine and I think she picked right!!)

So on this day, think about the past, but don't focus on the negative, focus on what came from that day. Focus on the continued love and compassion we show to one another. Focus on the helping hands that continue to outstretch for neighbors and fellow citizens. Continue to praise all those who do the right thing. And most importantly shine the light bright on those who are showing our children what being a compassionate, loving American is!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Prayers for the First Day

I sit here yet again, on the eve of the first day of school. So many thoughts running through my mind! Excitement for my kids and the start of yet another year of growth; anxiousness about all that will come from this school year; sadness about the summer coming to an end and not being with my kids all day; joy for learning and growing.

Last year I wrote about the teachers and the awesome Superheros they are. I will always believe that they are superheros. You can read that post here on my other blog.

This year God is pushing me to write a little different post. This year I have a prayer for everyone. Tonight I share with each of year comfort for the new year.

Teachers, as you begin a new school year, whether it's your 20th or your 1st, I hope you are excited! I know to some it's just a job, but I hope you know that these kid's love you. From the first time they met you to the very last day, they hold a special place in their hearts for you. Whether they are the "trouble maker", the "talkative" one, or the quiet, sweet one; each child in your classroom is there for a reason. Love each one! Find out why God placed that child in your care for the year. Remind yourself often that behind (most) children there are scared, nervous parents who leave that child each and every day in your care for 6 hours. I pray for you that you can look beyond the stress this year of curriculum's and lesson plans and mandatory test results and reports, and be someone special to those special ones in your care for the day. Greet each one with a smile, a hug and look into their eyes and let them know you care. Make this the best year ever!

Parents, the time has come! It's time to push that little one out the door and into the world. It's time to watch them grow, become more independent. It's time to let them become social, make new friends. It's time to let them make mistakes, so they can learn about life. It's time to put a smile on our faces, even when we want to cry, and be joyful and excited about the new journey they are about to embark on. This one is hard for me, I want to cry watching my oldest begin an important year in her high school life. It's junior year and she is prepping for her college application. She's busy with clubs, organizations, sports, AP classes and volunteer hours. She's becoming a young adult, and while I am excited and proud of the young person she is, I miss the baby girl who would climb into my lap and watch tv with me! My youngest daughter is embarking on the hardest journey of her life, thus far. She is starting a new school, walking into 6 different classes by herself, and learning to navigate this "big girl" thing. I look at her with tears in my eyes, with pride in  my smile, missing the baby girl who was excited about rain puddles to jump in and is now worried about her hair and outfit for the day. She will rock this school year, I know she will, but I also know it will be a rough road to navigate. Through anxious smiles and tears of excitement (that's what I tell her) we will get through this together. And my baby boy! He's the only one left in Elementary school this year. He's excited about so much, becoming more independent, making new friends and learning. But he's scared at the same time, his sister is no longer in the same school! He's becoming a little man! So parents, we all have our fears for our kids, anxiety of the school year and most of all sadness that they are growing up. But that's ok, because that all means we are doing our job! We must send them off, share them with the world, with those amazing teachers and show off all the hard work we have put into these little people! And remember, those awesome teachers will love and care for them!

Students, you aren't left out! I pray that you grab this school year with excitement and conquer it! Give it all you have! Walk into every classroom with a smile, greet your teachers with a smile and let them know you are here to learn. Make your parents proud, use your manners (this is important, it gets you far in life and so simple to do). In our house we start each day with a prayer. Each child says a small prayer before they leave the house, it reminds them that God is always with them, all day, each day. Kid's, we as adults expect so much from you this day in age, life is stressful, we parents forget that sometimes. Remind us gently that you are still kids. Remind us that you still want a hug, you want to forget about school sometimes and just hang out. Remind us that you still want to be a kid and sometimes forget about those hours of school work. We parents forget, and that's ok, we are human and make mistakes. But most importantly, be yourself this school year! Don't be anyone else, don't try to act like anyone else. God made you, you yourself, not you like someone else. Embrace your quirks, love your differences and shine like the light God created you to be!

This school year will be amazing. Teachers, Parents and students will rock it the way it should be. Each day will have it's ups and downs but together everyone will make it great. Remember to always shine, smile even when sad, and find the gratitude in everyday. Tonight as I pray for my kids and their first days, I will include teachers and parents every where in hopes that everyone has a great year. Because there's not much we can control in life, but we can control our light, so let's shine this year everyone!!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Goodbye Mommy Guilt, Hello Mommy Gratitude

Summer here is coming to an end! It's so hard to believe. And with the end of summer comes the terrible feeling of Mommy Guilt. All this week I have been trying to ignore it, but I can't! It's right there, front and center, stressing me out.

Every summer I go through the same thing. I begin to think about the limited number of summers I have with my kids, the limited vacations, limited time to make memories. It eats at me! So this summer I am trying hard to think about all the fun things I did and everything I am grateful for, because you see, no matter how much I do with the kids throughout the summer, it will never be enough to tame that ugly old Mommy Guilt.

This summer my oldest got a part time job. Super proud of her! She learned responsibility, how to save money and budget, and most of all, she got up off her bed! She also clocked in some awesome volunteer hours through our lunch program at church, beef up that college application! 

This summer my two youngest accomplished something that many people would just blow past, but for me and in my house, it's big...Independence. This is huge! You see, my youngest daughter doesn't like to do anything by herself. She usually has to have her big sister, me or my husband with her all the time. This summer she went to the amusement park with a friend, she went to the pool with friends and no parents, she had sleepovers and spent large amounts of time away from home, and she scheduled play dates by herself. This is huge! She learned a lot this summer about herself and she has grown personally. And my baby boy, well you see, he's a mama's boy. It's always been me and him, from day 1. And this summer he too has walked himself to friend's houses to play, he uses the phone to call to make plans, he spent evenings with friends playing and having dinner, and he too went to the pool with friends! 

This summer may not of included tons of trips to the beach, vacations or day trips, but it included personal growth and sometimes that's more then anything else. So, yes, I still have the Mommy Guilt that I didn't do enough with my kid's this summer and the terrible thought that they didn't have a good summer; but that's not true! My kid's have had a wonderful summer! I couldn't be more proud of who they are and how much they have grown personally this summer.
"In everything, give thanks" - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

If you are sitting here thinking about the summer, and that horrible unfriendly Mommy Guilt is making you sick, push it away. Because you see, it doesn't matter how much time you spend with your kids, or how many activities you did with them over the summer, that darn Mommy Guilt will always be there! Whether you are a SAHM or a full time working mom, we all have it! And the worse is when you are on Social Media, and begin to compare yourself to all your friends. So stop!!! We are all doing our best in this job of mom. We are all doing it differently based on what is best for our kids. Sit and think about your kids, what is best for them and turn that Mommy Guilt into Mommy Gratitude! The more our kids see us being grateful for things, for them, for the time we spend with them (not necessarily doing activities, but with them) the more they will be grateful! Do we really want to raise a generation of kid's who see their mom's stressed out all the time because of Mommy Guilt? A generation that see's this Mommy Guilt and pass it along? I sure don't want my girl's to deal with Mommy Guilt, because each generation gets worse and worse. I want my girls to be grateful for the times they have with their kids. I want them to have Mommy Gratitude!

Now don't get me wrong, this isn't the only form of Mommy Guilt. I could write a blog post each day of the year about all the different forms of Mommy Guilt, I've dealt with them all. But we have to start somewhere! I'm thinking, blog series! Today I start here. 

As you think back over summer 2017, what are you grateful for? Share with me your Mommy Gratitude and tell me how you told Mommy Guilt goodbye! 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

We are all God's children

I've been hesitant to write this, I know many will have things to say. But I feel like I should share, get it off my chest.

For the past few weeks I have been dealing with the school system and school issues and struggling within myself. So here's the back youngest daughter is zoned for a school that is not the most popular in our end of the city. Lots of rumors and opinions about this school. As a parent I have been freaking out about this for a while. Back in the spring I filled about a transfer application for my daughter to attend another school, more favorable. Well, with our luck it got denied.  So for the past 3 weeks I have been stressing about this, talking with people at the admin building and internally struggling with what to do. Then I remembered the words from Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

So, I sat down with my youngest daughter and we started talking. We discussed the school year, talked about her anxieties and worries. And we both came to the conclusion, what we were so worried about? The classes are the same classes offered at all the middle schools in the city, in fact the teacher's follow the same curriculum. We know personally one of the assistant principals at the school, and she is wonderful. So what are we so worried about?

You see, if you know me at all you know that I am one of "those" parents. You know the one's I am talking about, helicopter, strict, pain in the butt; whatever adjective you want to put in there. I have rules, strict rules and my kids must follow them. I have never in my adult life worried about my kids, I have always taught them to love everyone, no judgement. You see, my belief is, the school's are not raising my kids, I am! Yes, they are there for 6 hours during the day, but I am their mom. From day 1 in kindergarten, I ask that famous question, "How was your day?" and from day 1 I get the answers I want. Of course it takes some additional questions, but once I'm done asking I can tell you who was late to class, who they sat next to and talked about at lunch, what songs they sang at music, books they read at library, how many times someone asked to use the restroom, what happened on the playground; I know everything! By third grade they just give up the information, I ask the magic question and they tell me everything. If my kid's begin to have a bad habit, talking back, anything they may have learned from someone at school, I deal with it at home. They want to begin misbehaving I will show up at school and escort them around. Am I too involved, maybe, but I am their parent, shouldn't I do this thing right? So you see, I can send my kids to any school anywhere and know they will still be my kids at the end of the day. 

I know I will have peers who question me, asking me why I am sending her there. And my answer will be this, we are all God's children. God loves each one of us, he created all of us in his image. God believes we are all equal, we as people have made the judgments. We have taught our kids to judge, and why? There are scriptures throughout the bible that tell us not to judge, so why do we? 

One of the scriptures we use most in our house is Jeremiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" My youngest daughter and I have decided this is going to be her motto for the year. We believe God has placed her at this school for a reason. Maybe it's to share that adorable smile with someone each day, maybe it's to make a friend with someone who just needs a friend, maybe it's to share God's message with someone who needs God in their life, or maybe it's just to prove all the naysayers that yes this school may have the reputation as being "troubled" but she will prosper anyways. 

We as parent's have a voice, a strong one. And I over the years have learned that we tend to use our voice more so for negative then positive. We hear someone say something negative and we run with it. I went through this same problem years ago when other parents thought I was crazy to send my oldest to the high school and not let her choose a magnet high school in our district. Fast forward a few years, my oldest LOVES her school. She has a wonderful group of friends, is top of her class (and taking the same classes, with the same curriculum as her friends at the other high schools), and she has never had a problem since day 1. I can't say the same about the others. 

Many years ago I became a parent. I wasn't ready at all, but God gave me this beautiful baby for a reason. I took this job and have tried my best. I know my parenting isn't the same as everyone else, and I have never said it was. But as parent's we need to own it, we need to commit to raising these little people who will be able to live in this world; is that what we are doing? By running from issues, not talking to our kids, expressing judgments (this school is better then that school; we live here in this town because it is better then that town; you need to go to college to be a lawyer/doctor because it's better then being a farmer) isn't making the world a better place. Many parent's who are the "naysayers" in this life are the ones who can't tell you who their kid's teachers are, they can't name their kid's friends. They don't talk with their kid's, they let the schools raise them, but that's not their job! Our schools are here to teach our kids, teach them math, science, reading and history, not how to live in this world as an adult; that my friends is our job!!!

I know I have rambled through out this post, I never said I was the writer! But I do like to use this blog as my voice, I like to spread positivity. You can get angry with me all day long, but most of the time it's because I have hit a nerve, presented the truth and the truth hurts. We as parent's cannot complain about the world and all the issues going on but continue to raise our kids by running from the issues. We need to discuss these problems with our kids, talk about how we, as God's children, can spread his message and help create a better world. God loves each and every one of us, the good, the bad and the ugly. 

You can continue to talk about me and my crazy parenting and decisions, but I know that my kid's will be able to live in a world that has problems and issues. My kid's will know to face them, try to be the answer and not run from the problem. I will continue to parent my kid's at home, send them to school to learn, talk with them about their days, and continue to talk about good and bad influences in life. Jesus walked this earth loving everyone, my kids and I will continue to strive to be more like him. Loving everyone, and being the good influence in the world. 

Throughout this school year I will continue to update, because I know in my heart that God has some mighty plans for my daughter. She will be the ray of sun, spread His message and be part of the answer to this world that is hurting so much! 

Please only comment with positive notes, all negative comments will be deleted. This is a place for love, not anger or hatred!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Stressed Moms, Stressed kids?

There I was standing in church, no less, complaining again to my sweet friend, the second one of the morning. I caught myself again and thought "oh my, what am I doing". 

You see, I was once again complaining about the hundreds of things I had to get done by a certain time. I have taken on too much once again and I needed to unload my stress. 

So it got me, as I was sitting with my kids on the couch watching another "Harry Potter" weekend. As I watched them trying to keep their eyes open in the middle of the afternoon. 

Are we stressing our kids out? Are we keeping our kids too busy?

You see, we parents, especially moms, have a habit of complaining about being so busy with life. So much we take on and stress us out. In fact, I wrote a post on my other blog about this same thing, you can find it here

But what is this doing to our kids? The stress that we have because we are committed to so much. Are they growing up in a world everyone is so stressed, where every conversation begins and ends with complaints about being strained and busy. 

My oldest is a bit of an overachiever. She makes straight A's, she plays travel soccer, she is in a number of clubs at school, youth group president, on a government group at the school board and this year an officer for the SCA. I ask her all the time, do you have time for that? What about a social life? Well, I got caught off guard a couple of weeks ago when she said, "I'm just doing what you would do". Well crap! What have I done!

Then I got to thinking as I was sitting at the table the other day working on a number of things and my son asked me yet again for the 100th time if I would come out and play baseball with him. I told him I couldn't yet, I still had a bunch of things to get done, and once again I got a sharp stab by yet another truth "Mom you promised you would play with me and I've been waiting an hour!" Yet again, I was losing sweet valuable time with my little man working on things I had taken on. 

I love my volunteer positions, I love all the work I do, I love my business, and well that can't go away because it pays bills. But over the past few weeks I have committed to change. If I have to wake up hours before my family then so be it. If I have to start using the word "no" to people then so be it. But something has to change. 

I don't want my kid's to be stressed now because of me, I don't want my kid's growing up believing that rushing around, complaining and being stressed is the way to live life. I want my kid's to enjoy their childhood now, to enjoy life, to enjoy me. 

So, as summer begins to come to a close and school is right around the corner, I will be sitting down with my kids and discussing this. I will be taking the month of August and spending much quality time with them. The emails can wait, the documents can get posted later and well if I miss another meeting I will just have to read the minutes. All the committees, all the emails, all the meetings will go on without me, just like life will too. But I'm not going to miss this time with my kids. I'm not going to have them look at me with stress in their eyes anymore. God gave each of us the job of being a parent for a reason, we must take that job so very important. These little people who are in our care will grow up to be big people. We want to guide them to be the best big people ever, we have to be the best examples we can be. Are you the best example? Or are you the stressed out, too busy example? 

I have a few weeks of summer left with my kids, then I have one starting junior year, middle school and 2nd grade. Before that starts I want to create some happy memories with my kids. I want to smile, laugh and play with them, not worried about the to do list sitting on the counter. What are you going to do? 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Secret of being Happy

Do you Pinterest? You know, sit for hours with your laptop, tablet, phone and scroll through photos of houses we wished were ours, outfits we wished we had in our closets, organized closets, articles about saving money or paying off debt or, my favorites, how to parent! 

Well I do! I scroll before bed most nights, I find it puts me to sleep. I'm not going to knock Pinterest (I actually love some of the articles and blogs on there and I use it as a marketing tool for my business). 

But I find that many people use Pinterest to try and become something they aren't. You see a farmhouse pinned with the most fantastic inside decor, door paint color and amazing landscaping and you start wishing it was yours. That's what's bad! 

I have a Pinterest board that I love (actually a couple of my personal ones I go back to regularly). But the one I am talking about is titled "Signs and Quotes". The other day I pinned a quote and it hasn't left my mind.  
I started this blog by writing about saving money, living on a Firefighter's income. I have friend's who make more money then I would ever know what to do with. They take vacations more times in a year then I could even imagine. They have huge houses, pools, new cars and their kids are always dressed to the T. 

It took me a long time to not compare what I have to my friends.You see, I love our tiny house, my kid's are forced to be with or around me all the time. They talk to me, they don't yell from one end of the house to the other. We love our "new to us" cars, because when my kids do decide to color on the roof with a crayon I don't have to worry about it! We travel, my oldest plays travel soccer and we have learned that turning those weekend trips into tiny small vacations are even more fun then long weeks away. 

You see, our lives are different then our neighbors. Heck, my life is different then my best friends, even my own brothers. And I am ok with that. Life would be so boring if we were all the same! My husband and I devote our lives to others. As a firefighter, he works everyday to save other people's lives. We serve the Lord our God in every aspect of our lives. We know that everything we have is given to us by Him. He provides for us. But it took us a really long time to get to this frame of mind. We struggled like I said. But we are happy now. We are happy with making our everyday lives the best with what we have. It's ok we don't take our kids to the movies or museums all the time, we have a blow up pool, water balloons in the back yard, a fire pit for s'mores and Netflix for family movie nights. And don't get me started on the endless number of board games for Family Game Nights! 

I wrote a post on my other blog that fits so well with this topic, Circle of Happiness. Check it out if you like. 

No one wants to struggle whether internally with yourself or for all of us to see. Be happy with your life, be happy everyday. If you truly can't be happy, then it's time to do something about it so you can get to that place of happiness. Life is a beautiful, fun, crazy journey; it's even better when you have a smile on your face! 

I pray today that each of you are truely happy with who you are and where your life is today!! Enjoy it! And don't forget to smile and share something positive with someone else! 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

I'm Back!

Can you believe it's been about 6 years since I have done anything with this blog? Where I have been you ask, well let's see....
My kid's have grown! 

My oldest is driving! What?!? Yes, she is a rising junior and looking at colleges (waste of time since the only school she wants to go to is UVA and she will easily get in there!) She still plays travel soccer which keeps us all very busy. 

My middle one is starting middle school this fall! Oh my! She's not our athlete but she supports her siblings in everything they do. She has found her passion, sign language. She takes private lessons and has learned so much and wants to do this for a living! 

My youngest is now 7, in school full time (going into second grade) and now starting sports this year (we had him in sports, it was too much with 3 kids so he took a year off)

As a family, we have stayed busy. Continue to be a large part of our church, volunteering and staying active in all groups, youth, children and missions. We have started going each summer (this will be our 4th year) as a family along with 25 others from our church to attend a mission in Beverly, Kentucky to Red Bird Missions in August. We love our week serving there and love it! 

So why am I back you ask? Well, Ruffles and Bow Ties is growing. I have started doing the larger craft bazaars in my area, I have opened a second shop which is all my housewares. I have opened a Shopify shop to reach those who don't want to shop on Etsy (can you believe there are some who just don't like Etsy!). I started a blog for the my business, you can visit here. I am never the best at constantly posting on any blog, but I found that while I was posting on my business blog I had so many ideas. I had ideas about posts about kids and parenting, about being a mommy this day in age and how it compares to our moms, about school and our kids, about life and faith and I really could keep going on and on. All these ideas were floating in my head and they just didn't feel the vibe I had going on with that blog. So I thought, well I have another one, lets get that back up and going! I'm back!

I'll be posting regularly now on this blog, more so to clear my head of all my thoughts and opinions. I'll still post some savings tips, still post about my simplest life and even refer to my other blog here and there. 

I'm really excited to be back! I hope you are excited to read more about my nutty life! And I hope you share with your friends, I would love to share with everyone! 


We've moved!! Our blog grew out of this platform and I'm so excited to have you follow us over to our new site! So many new thin...