Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sewing Baby items

When I started sewing in the fall I came up with a bib pattern that I liked, long enough to cover everything yet small enough that my son could wear it when teething. I sewed him a couple of bibs and loved them, got tons of compliments and people telling me they wanted some! So this week my new task was to start making some bibs and take a hand at making some burp rags. I went in my scraps and started cutting out bibs. I have 2 people I am sewing for who are expecting girls this June and Septemeber and one that just had one. I am having a blast sewing these! I found some really cute material at the store Monday that I bought and I can't wait until I have finished everything!

My question to you is, what do you buy, if anything, handmade for your kids? I have shared with you everything that I enjoy making for my 3 kids and for friends kids, share with me what you like to make. I visit the site often to find new ideas to sew the kids, in fact thats where I got the idea for the girls Easter dresses. I often wonder though, are people making money off that site selling what they make? I would love to be able to create items and sell them and make a profit, but can you? I have made a few things here and there for friends and they have given me a couple dollars but nothing big. Should I be charging more? What do you think?

When I am done with the bibs and burp rags I will post some pictures of the completed sets as well as some dresses I am also making the newborns!

I have gotten some inquires about patterns, in the next couple of day I will post about patterns. I tend to not use them but I would love to share with you my ideas! So stay posted!!

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